We look forward to hearing from you! We are volunteers and can’t always answer immediately.

Kindly leave a detailed message or WhatsApp and we will get back to you.

General Enquiries

09:00 - 18:00

(+27) 62 258 3547


Adoptions & Fostering

09:00 - 18:00

Where is FAW?

Fisantekraal is 10km from Durbanville in the direction of Klipheuwel.

Location 1 (food, shop, etc.): Corner Lord’s Walk and Dulah Omar Streets
(opposite the police station), Fisantekraal. Tuesdays and Saturdays, 09h00 – 12h00.

Location 2 (clinic): 25 Kameeldoring Street, Greenville (adjacent to Fisantekraal).
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 09h00 – 12h00


We regret, we do not have a rescue centre nor the means to collect strays. Should you have found or seen a stray animal, please contact:

  • Cape of Good Hope SPCA: 021 700 4140 (extension 2)
  • Animal Anti-Cruelty League Epping 2: 021 534 6426
  • Animal Anti-Cruelty League Bellville South: 021 951 3010
  • Animal Welfare Society Philippi: 021 692 2626